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Virtual Dictionary

QuickTime Virtual Reality

QuickTime Virtual Reality or QTVR is what a large section of people seem to class as VR. Whilst QTVR does bear a similarity to a static shot from a CAVE, or a static skybox, this display method is not truly virtual reality in any meaningful form.

QTVR can be best described as a series of still shot montages, six photos comprising six views of a scene - four walls surrounding you, a ceiling and a floor, all taken from the precise point they are trying to recreate, to give you a feeling of immersion within that space.

QTVR works fairly well excepting that the reality it creates is totally static - you can neither move away from the point you are standing in, nor can you modify the environment in any way. You may simply zoom in, or zoom out of any part of the cube, or rotate to look at it from any angle. That is the limit of the interaction.

Walkthroughs of a sort are made in QTVR by stringing together a series of cube images and allowing the viewer to flip between them. You can for example move from the front room to the hall, by unloading the images of a set point in the front room from the cube, and loading the images of a set point in the hall. This results in little more than a picture tour of a place, from single, isolated points of view.

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QuickTime Virtual Reality


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Understanding Virtual Reality is essentially a holistic introductory book, covering in a little depth, a wide swathe of issues, applications and advancements in and around the sphere of virtual reality.

This Second Edition of the first comprehensive technical book on the subject of virtual reality provides updated and expanded coverage of the technology?where it originated, how it has evolved, and where it is going. The authors cover all of the latest innovations and applications that are making virtual reality more important than ever before.

This book is dedicated to both virtual reality and augmented reality, as in how both apply to the manufacturing process. Everything from 3D visualisation and pre-manufacture prototyping to 3D printers and revolutionising the manufacture process.

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Virtual Reality taught at University once more
Whilst research using virtual reality has continued unabashed throughout the years, it seems that we are finally once again seeing courses dedicated to VR as a subject in its own right.

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Introduction to Virtual Reality
A slideshow presentation geared to introducing the concept of virtual reality, raise a lot of questions about how to do it, and at the same time, answer a great deal about its past.

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Virtual-Reality Program Recreates Traumatic Memory
An innovative project at Tripler Army Medical Centre utilises an immersive virtual reality interface to take patients back to the war zones they experienced, to treat their battlefield stress.

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Alternate reality games blur reality and fiction
A mainstream media piece on the growing explosion of augmented reality gaming - combining physical and virtual data as one, in order to play location-based games.

In the modern era of VoIP and face to face communication, we are in danger of losing the power of virtual reality in a kind of mixed reality system. For whatever reason: nationality, lisp, burr, mixed gender heritage or simply being half drunk or high at the time, the market for the voice you emit to be synthetic, to be virtual is huge, preserving the integrity of the virtual world, by keeping the purely physical out.

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Large Image Display: Animatrix: Matriculated: Simplified Battle Plan
This image shows the output from a tiny broadcast drone one of the runner robots in Matriculated, literally excremented out of its posterior. It sunk into the ground and then began transmitting this simplified image. The reason being that all these machines see reality and virtual reality as interchangeable. As one of the characters said, and its true "all reality is virtual to them". So, when summoning reinforcements, keep it as simple as possible.

Right from the preface, Multimedia and Virtual Reality identifies itself as something of an academic book, with a relatively dry prose. It has a great deal of fascinating content, carefully examined and presented, yet the language used, does assume a certain level of vocabulary.


Industry News containing the Term QuickTime Virtual Reality:

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Researchers at the University of Glamorgan are researching ways to make elderly people feel safe and unthreatened by crime.

They say the project, worth almost ?30,000, aims to make a positive difference to communities across ...

Cresent, an oil-industry training company, has secured a ?250,000 contract from the Abu Dhabi Company For Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO) to provide online virtual-reality bassed emergency response training for personnel at ten different loca...

A recent patent filing by defense contractor Lockheed Martin gives us a peek into a portable virtual reality simulator the company is cooking up.

The patent application is titled: "Portable immersive environment using motio...

The INTUITION Network of Excellence, funded under the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) and bringing together 58 virtual reality organisations, will hold a workshop in Athens, Greece, on 22 September.

Participants at the works...

December 1-3, 2008
Keio University, Yokohama, Japan

ICAT is the oldest international conference on Virtual Reality and Telexistence. The organizing committee cordially invites you to submit your technical work and expe...