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Sorry, No matches were found in our database for the term Swarming%20Micro%20Air%20Vehicle. Perhaps you could offer a definition for submission? (Legal notes on dictionary submissions) Please note, this is a virtual reality / augmented reality database. Terms on other subjects, will be rejected.




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Resources in our database matching the Term Swarming%20Micro%20Air%20Vehicle:

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Industry News containing the Term Swarming%20Micro%20Air%20Vehicle:

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The US military has launched 103 miniature swarming drones from a fighter jet during a test in California.

Three F/A-18 Super Hornets were used to release the Perdix drones last October.

The drones, which have ...

How do thousands of fish swim together in giant schools, seemingly moving as a single body? Flocks of birds, herds of beasts, and a variety of other animals in nature seem to share this same ?property? of coming together and moving in uniso...

The Kilobots are coming. Computer scientists and engineers at Harvard University have developed and licensed technology that will make it easy to test collective algorithms on hundreds, or even thousands, of tiny robots.


July 19 – July 22, 2012
East Lansing, Michigan, USA

It is a great pleasure for the BEACON Center for the Study of Evolution in Action at Michigan State University to host the 13th International Artificial Life Conferen...

Paolo Robuffo Giordano is the project leader of the Human Robot Interaction Group in the Department Human Perception, Cognition and Action of Heinrich BĂĽlthoff at the MPI for Biological Cybernetics. His team works with quadrocopters, small...