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Sorry, No matches were found in our database for the term Targeted%20Muscle%20Re-Innervation. Perhaps you could offer a definition for submission? (Legal notes on dictionary submissions) Please note, this is a virtual reality / augmented reality database. Terms on other subjects, will be rejected.




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Resources in our database matching the Term Targeted%20Muscle%20Re-Innervation:

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Targeted Muscle Reinnervation Increases Prosthetic BMI
A Journal of the American Medical Association study looked at targeted muscle re-innervation to see if it did indeed have as much success as studies conducted by those with a vested interest in a positive result.

This book, by author and renowned VR expert Howard Rhinegold, was first published in 1991 ? nearly twenty years ago. All those years back, Rhinegold still managed to predict VR applications that are only just being realised today. Walking through computer mediated environments, with the power of physical legs; having targeted muscle re-enervation provide the neural connectivity of physical legs if you have none. Doctors treating patients remotely, or operating on precise mock-ups of patients before they lay eyes on them for the first time. Touring buildings, rendered in 3D, from blueprints alone.


Industry News containing the Term Targeted%20Muscle%20Re-Innervation:

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InPhase has announced (after a fifty-year wait) it will ship its optical holographic storage system, with a claimed lifetime of 50 years for its media.

It is targeted to film and video companies, whose data is literally irrep...

In the quest for better targeted advertising, marketers are using high-tech tools that can pinpoint a person's location, demographics and habits, raising the hackles of privacy activists.

Online or in the shopping mall, thes...

Yet another clampdown on cheating in World of Warcraft has seen action taken against more than 16,000 accounts.

More than 5,400 of these accounts have been shut down and a further 10,700 suspended as players were using them t...

Researchers Jennifer Whitson and Adam Galinsky have issued a report in the new issue of Science, omn their observations that when people were primed to feel out of control, they were more likely to see patterns where none exist.

The area of the brain involved in multitasking and ways to train it have been identified by a research team at the IUGM Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal and the University of Montreal. The research includes a model to better ...