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Sometimes called a 3D Tracker, a tracker is a device which keeps track of its own X, Y, Z co-ordinates in physical space relative to one or more tranceiving stations, and informs the vitual space of those values continually, allowing positioning systems to track.

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

Related Dictionary Entries for Tracker:

3D Pointer

3D Tracker

Electromagnetic Tracker

Gaze Control

Gaze Tracker

Gesture Tracker

Inertial Tracker

Infrared Tracker

Mechanical Tracker

Metallic Distortion

Motion Tracker

Motion Tracking


Position Tracker

Smart Material


Tracking Device

Ultrasonic Trackers


Resources in our database matching the Term Tracker:

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Locally Hosted resource
Creating a Budget Head-tracker with the Wii-Mote
A demonstration of both the use of a Wii-mote as a cheap head tracker, and a demonstration of head tracking, rarely recorded

Locally Hosted resource
Mazan: Flash of the Blade
An early commercial electromagnetic tracker system that surfaced in of all places, the arcade machines of 2002.

Locally Hosted resource
GPS Tracker To Keep Pupils Safe
After the events at Virginia Tech University in the US, in April, a major push at using wearable technologies and sensor webs to improve student safety has been underway.

Locally Hosted resource
Putting the Chemical in Electrochemical Brain Interfaces
Neuroprosthetics along with less invasive brain machine interfaces have really gone from strength to strength over the past decade. However, all of them are still detecting or modifying signals that are electrical in nature, whilst the brain itself is electrochemical. Now, from a rather unlikely source, comes the first evidence that a chemical detector and tracker is actually possible inside a complex multicellular structure.


Industry News containing the Term Tracker:

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Louisiana Immersive Technologies Enterprise, or LITETM has installed three separate, interlinked IS-900 wireless motion tracking systems in the 3D Immersive Visualisation Total Immersion System (TIS) it runs.

This makes the...

The European Union started legal action against Britain on Tuesday for not applying EU data privacy rules that would restrict an Internet advertising tracker called Phorm from watching how users surf the Web.

The regulators a...

Sometimes the diagnosis of episodes of illness in schizophrenia, rotatory vertigo, or reading and writing deficits needs electro-oculography (EOG), performed using a special medical apparatus. Andreas Bulling, a doctoral student at the Wear...

A device has been invented to help parents find their children if they wander off while out shopping.

Trac, an RFID based device, uses satellite technology to pinpoint where the child is within a 150 metre radius.

Johns Hopkins researchers have devised a computerized process that could make minimally invasive surgery more accurate and streamlined using equipment already common in the operating room.

In a report published recently in th...