Immersion. Pure, Unadulterated Immersion

One display in particular, is breathtaking. A panoramic view of the city, from what will one day be any point in the city, at different times of day. At the moment it is limitred to only a few areas, and not manually navigable, but this C2 display wall, literally makes you feel like you are traversing the streets in the city?s heyday. Ultimately, the museum plans to put you there, interacting with other citizens of the city, complete in every detail.

"This is also the best way to make these towns live in the future, because otherwise I think they will be destroyed again and not by Vesuvius, but by people,"
- archaeologist Caterina Cozzalino.

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Images: Museo Archeologico Virtuale,
Text: Virtual Worldlets Network, all rights reserved.