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 The 2020 vision of robotic assistants unveiled

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Date posted: 28/05/2005

A futuristic world, complete with autonomous household companions, android medics and even robot entertainers, will greet visitors to the Prototype Robot Exhibition in Japan from 9 June, 2005.

"This is a chance for researchers to show-off their best work," says Henrik Lund, an expert in modular robotics from the University of Southern Denmark. "You get the feeling that it's quite competitive."

A futuristic hospital scene will show different types of medical robot currently under development in Japan. These include EVE, a humanoid bot from Nagoya University that has replica human organs and is designed to help train nurses and doctors.

Also from Nagoya University is a microscopic surgical bot called Hyper-Finger that can perform microsurgery within an abdominal cavity and is controlled by a single finger.

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