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Source: Virtual Light, Page: 120

Warbaby wiped the glasses and put them back on. They were clear now. "There are drivers in the frames and lenses. They affect the nerves directly."

"It's a virtual light display." Freddie said, eager to change the subject. "Anything can be digitized, you see it here."

"Telepresence." Randall said.

"Naw." Freddie said. "that's light". That's photons coming out and hitting on your eye. This doesn't work like that, Mr. Warbaby walks around and looks at stuff, he can see the data-feed at the same time. You put those glasses on a man doesn't have eyes, optic nerve's okay, he can see the input. That's why they built the first ones. For blind people.

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About the Book 'Virtual Light'
By William Gibson
Produced By Penguin Books Ltd

"Those VL glasses. Virtual light.
She'd heard of it, but she wasn't sure what it was. "They expensive, Sammy Sal?"
"Shit, yes. Bout as much as a Japanese car. Not all that much more though. Got these little EMP drivers around the lenses, work your optic nerves direct. Friend of mine, he'd bring a pair home from the office where he worked. Landscape architects. Put 'em on, you go out walking, everything looks normal, but every plant you see, every tree, there?s this little label hanging there, what its name is. Latin under that.""

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