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 NASA recruits volunteer software designers

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Date posted: 11/04/2007

NASA is turning to volunteer coders to write spacecraft control software, as it continues to feel budget cuts.

A project called CosmosCode, based at NASA's Ames Research Centre, is trying to harness the power of open source software development. CosmosCode?s online headquarters is based on a private island inside the virtual environment Second Life, where they hope to bring all manner of volunteers together. NASA employees and open source developers have already started attending meetings there, at ?Space CoLab Island?.

"CosmosCode is ... allowing NASA scientists to begin a software project in the public domain, leveraging the true value of open-source software by creating an active community of volunteers," said Cowan-Sharp, a NASA contractor.

"CoLab is building an infrastructure to encourage and facilitate direct participation from the talented and interested public in NASA's projects and programs," said Schingler, the NASA CoLab project manager.

"CosmosCode certainly could be a big deal," said David Boswell, a CoLab volunteer and co-founder of mozdev.org. "NASA has a lot of software already released under their NASA Open Source Agreement license and there are other developers outside of NASA interested in working on space software projects."

See the full Story via external site: www.wired.com

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