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 Broadband Stimulus Plan: How About Some Data First?

This story is from the category Connectivity
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Date posted: 26/12/2008

During the Great Depression, the government tried to revive the economy with the New Deal's public work projects, and ended up paying people to dig unneeded ditches.

In today's deep recession, digital age advocates are trying to persuade President-elect Barack Obama to put billions into a nationwide broadband build-out as part of his planned economic stimulus package.

Given that the internet has grown into an indispensable tool for the economy, for people's personal lives and for the nation's political discourse, spending billions to keep it stable and expand its reach is simply common sense.

But how do we make sure that the billions aren't spent creating the 21st century equivalent of ditches to nowhere?

See the full Story via external site: blog.wired.com

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