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 Vagal Electrical Nerve Stimulation Helps With Weight Loss in Clinical Trial

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Date posted: 14/01/2009

EnteroMedics Inc., developer of medical devices using neuroblocking technology to treat obesity, and other gastrointestinal disorders, has announced results from its clinical trials of a prosthetic implant designed to block part of the vagal nerve pathways.

The study includes 38 implanted subjects and is designed to evaluate the system's safety and efficacy. Follow-up data show excess weight loss, or EWL, of 37.6% in 9 patients at 18 months of VBLOC Therapy, 28.1% in 17 patients at 12 months of therapy and 17.9% in 35 patients at six months of therapy. To date, no deaths or unanticipated adverse device events have been reported.

See the full Story via external site: ir.enteromedics.com

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