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Virtual Dictionary


Four-Boxing is a type of Multiboxing – logging into a VR system as multiple separate avatars, characters, or accounts. Specifically, Four-Boxing means the user is simultaneously controlling three avatars. They have encapsulated themselves inside four separate boxes as it were, with each box being one of the avatars.

Four-Boxing is beyond the upper limit for multiboxing for the human nervous system to accomplish. Being four different people simultaneously, interacting with each other and others in a believable way simply is not possible for a single human mind to accomplish. Thus those who do multibox at this level, fail to be convincing at it, or particularly competent at controlling their avatars – even with the absolute minimum embodiment of gameworld characters. To multibox at this level with high-level embodied avatars would be unthinkable. Unless they were spun off onto separate AI control, at which point of course, it's no-longer multiboxing.

See Also: Multiboxing, Two-Boxing, Dual-Boxing, Embodiment, Four-Boxing

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Two researchers from the School of Optometry of the Universit? de Montr?al have discovered how to train the brain of athletes to improve their overall athletic performance.

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