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 Move to create less clumsy robots

This story is from the category Artificial Intelligence
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Date posted: 01/06/2007

The race to create more human-like robots stepped up a gear this week as scientists in Spain set about building an artificial cerebellum designed for robots themselves.

The plan is to implant the man-made cerebellum in a robot to make movements and interaction with humans more natural.

The research, being undertaken at the Department of Architecture and Computing Technology at the University of Granada, is part of a wider European project dubbed Sensopac which brings together electronic engineers, physicists and neuroscientists from a range of universities.

The target is to incorporate the cerebellum into a robot designed by the German Aerospace Centre in two year's time.

Implanting the man-made cerebellum in a robot would allow it to manipulate and interact with other objects with far greater subtlety than industrial robots can currently manage, said researcher Professor Eduardo Ros Vidal, who is co-ordinating work at the University of Granada.

"Although robots are increasingly more important to our society and have more advanced technology, they cannot yet do certain tasks like those carried out by mammals," he said.

"We have been talking about humanoids for years but we do not yet see them on the street or use the unlimited possibilities they offer us," he added.

See the full Story via external site: news.bbc.co.uk

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