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 UK Dedication to Telehealth - New spectrum to improve health

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Date posted: 07/05/2008

The UK telecommuncations regulator Ofcom has stated the UK needs to free up more of the radio spectrum for telehealth and transportation applications.

A report, entitled Tomorrow's Wireless World, was designed to give the regulator an insight into how wireless technologies will need to be regulated over the next 20 years.

They include many instances of sensor web technologies which will grow out of existing wi-fi technologies in the main.

"Existing technologies will be brought together to have real benefit to society. It will mean there is a need for more radio spectrum for healthcare and transport," said Professor William Webb, Ofcom's head of research and development.

There is already spectrum available for wi-fi and RFID (radio frequency identification) but the allocation may need to be increased as more services come online.

The EU is currently considering ring-fencing spectrum that could be used for intelligent road transport systems.

In the healthcare sector, Ofcom sees wireless sensors becoming ubiquitous in monitoring a range of conditions including diabetes, heart conditions and asthma.

Such sensors, either implanted in the body or worn, would be able to send medical information to home hubs or mobile phones via short-range wireless technologies such as Bluetooth.

"Our motion sensors work in a similar way to the Wii and can measure the body's day-to-day activities," explained Professor Guang-Zhang Yang, research director of medical imaging and robotics at Imperial University. "The uptake of telemedicine so far has been limited but the aim is for it to disappear into the fabric of life. It is not only for those with a disease but can also be used for general well-being or to promote healthy lifestyles.?

See the full Story via external site: news.bbc.co.uk

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