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 Sony Develops New Chip for More Refined High Definition Video

This story is from the category Display Technology
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Date posted: 18/08/2004

DRC (Digital Reality Creation) Technology is old. 1997 old to be precise. Sony Corporation created DRC to bring into being a standard convrter from standard television signal format to a high-definition signal format - radically increasing picture quality through hardware, with next to no latency. Now, the DRC-MFv2 intends to revolutionise yet again.

Digital Reality Creation Multifunction v2 is a controller chip designed to take any standard video input, and completely transform it, by blending with a HD-TV signal feed, and extrapolatuing out the correlating characteristics between the two signals.

In other words, this takes any non completely photorealistic video stream and ramps up the quality up to 400% -instantanously.

See the full Story via external site: www.physorg.com

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