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 Prado museum masterpieces on Google Earth

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Date posted: 13/01/2009

Google Earth is at its heart a mapping program. If you think about that logically, mapping programs can map any terrain, and ot necessarily just land or sea terrain. Spain's Prado museum has used the technology to create augmented reality maps of fourteen of its masterpieces. These maps allow visitors to zoom in beyond the naked eye's level of detail, and pan across the landscape ofthe paining, observing details in ways simply not possible with normal means.

By using Google Earth rather than a bespoke application, they also gain the benefit of automatic interface with many augmented reality hardware interfaces that support it, right out of the box.

"This is the first time in the world that this is being done," the director of the Spanish branch of US Internet giant Google, Javier Rodriguez Zapatero, said during an official presentation of the project.

See the full Story via external site: www.physorg.com

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