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 Microsoft funds cell-phone, green-computing research

This story is from the category Pure Research
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Date posted: 19/07/2007

On July 16th, Microsoft Research outlined the specific projects to which it?s looking to universities for research contributions. Microsoft is offering academic researchers $3.7 million worth of research funding in the following areas:

? Cell phones as a platform for healthcare ($1 million). ?Encourages the development of new prototypes and tools that utilise cell phones to enable better healthcare services in rural and urban communities.?

? Biomedical computing for genome wide association studies ($700,000). ?Encourages researchers to develop tools that can facilitate better data usage and analysis for genomewide association studies to provide a stronger framework for enabling personalised treatment methods.?

? Intelligent Web 3.0 ($500,000). ?Encourages research to help find, discover, extract, publish, and share information, at a desk or on the go, safely, making the Web meaningful (from string manipulation to meaning computation) and enabling a human-centric, context-aware model of information access.?

? Mechanisms for safe and scalable multicore computing ($500,000). ?Encourages research in how operating systems and runtimes can evolve to enable safe and scalable concurrent programs.?

? Sustainable computing ($500,000). ?Encourages research in innovative approaches toward power-optimised system architectures, and adaptive power management solutions for maximising the energy efficiency of computing infrastructure.?

? Human-robot interaction ($500,000). ?Encourages research to take human-robot interaction to the next level through development of tools and methods that lead to practical applications with realistic commercial potential within five to 10 years.?

See the full Story via external site: blogs.zdnet.com

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