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 Real teaching in a virtual world

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Date posted: 02/10/2007

Wellington's Victoria University is the first to take the plunge in New Zealand, allowing a pHd student to teach a design class in virtual reality.

The class is held twice weekly in Second Life.

"The Digital Design School has an island called Mediazone and on that island all the students congregate there, they come there and they meet me, I?ve got an office there," says lecturer Pete Rive.

The class teaches machinima, and the online persona students are unhindered by normal classroom etiquette.

"In a classroom environment you might be embarrassed or you might be shy or you might have a social personality that doesn't necessarily get your creativity across," says Marcia Lyons from the university's Digital Design School.

They are also not limited by geographical barriers. One student who was in Sydney on holiday was able to go online and attend class.

Currently more than 250 universities around the world use Second Life as a teaching tool among them top US universities Harvard and Stanford.

Victoria university is planning a more advanced class for next year.

See the full Story via external site: tvnz.co.nz

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