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 Superstruct: the world's first massively multiplayer forecasting game

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Date posted: 07/10/2008

The world's first massively multiplayer forecasting game, goes live today and will last for six weeks, played on forums, blogs, videos, wikis, and other online spaces.

"By playing the game, you'll help us chronicle the world of 2019--and imagine how we might solve the problems we'll face," the Web site says. "Because this is about more than just envisioning the future. It's about making the future, inventing new ways to organize the human race and augment our collective human potential."

Created by the Ten Year Forecast team at the Institute for the Future, therr plan is to analyze the player-created content and prepare an official Superstruct Report about the year 2019, and the best tactics for "superstructing" society.

See the full Story via external site: superstructgame.org

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