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 Digital Governator set for 'Terminator'

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Date posted: 29/04/2009

Californian Governor Schwarzenegger revealed in a webcast this week that he may appear in the upcoming "Terminator Salvation," but when he said he didn't want to act, he left many fans scratching their heads.

Turns out Schwarzenegger has been secretly working with helmer McG and the effects team to reprise his signature role ... without lifting a finger. A body-cast mold of Schwarzenegger, created when he first appeared as the muscle-ripped cyborg, provided the basis for a digital-effects version of his famous character. The figure appears in "Terminator Salvation" as a living, breathing actor.

Schwarzenegger viewed the resulting footage and gave his go-ahead just in time for McG to include the footage before the helmer completes his cut of the movie. Warners first screens the pic in early May and opens it May 21.

See the full Story via external site: www.variety.com

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