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Sorry, No matches were found in our database for the term Artificial%20Neural%20Network. Perhaps you could offer a definition for submission? (Legal notes on dictionary submissions) Please note, this is a virtual reality / augmented reality database. Terms on other subjects, will be rejected.




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Resources in our database matching the Term Artificial%20Neural%20Network:

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Franklin's tour of contemporary thought on human, animal, and artificial minds introduces creative theories, models, and prototypes of artificial intelligence. After citing the scoffers' arguments regarding the improbability of fashioning artificial minds, Franklin examines some systems that do, in fact, exhibit aspects of intelligence.

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Combining Natural and Artificial Neural Nets for Better Search
Google, that pioneer of all manner of artificial intelligences designed for search, has posed the question as to whether or not artificial intelligences are capable of being taught to automatically label every song on the Internet. By melding the power of the internet, human minds and an online AI, the answer appears to be "yes, indeed".

New approaches to artificial intelligence spring from the idea that intelligence emerges as much from cells, bodies, and societies as it does from evolution, development, and learning. Traditionally, artificial intelligence has been concerned with reproducing the abilities of human brains; newer approaches take inspiration from a wider range of biological structures that that are capable of autonomous self-organisation.

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An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
A short article, introducing the concept of Artificial Intelligence. Concise, but thorough.

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Why use Artificial Intelligence?
An older article, pertaining to the use of bots as NPC characters, with their own artificial intelligence programming.

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Some Thoughts on Artificial Intelligence
A look on Artificial Intelligence routines for NPCs from a non-technical source. Lookin at the goals you desire, and the types of behaviour worth considering, without going into the detail of how. A novel viewpoint that does make you think.

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Artificial Personalities with Artificial Genomes
Rity is a small, cute, blue digital dog. Genderless, Rity is also the first of what is hoped will be a new breed of AI, an AI with emotions and with an emotional personality genome in a novel take on evolutionary algorithms.

Tales concerning artificial beings have sparked passions and fear for millenia. Everything from zobbgies to golems have pervaded mythology. Now, we are on the brink of creating artificial beings digitally, for real.

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Large Image Display: AI: Artificial Intelligence: Does Not Eat
This scene from AI: Artificial intelligence shows an oft-ignored aspect of the uncanny valley; it shows the flip-side of it, and the effects on the robot, being just shy of able to interact normally with humans.

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Virtual Voice: Using BMI to Control an Artificial Larynx
A larynx or voicebox is a complex piece of kit to control. Creating an interface for a fully functional artificial one may be beyond us - unless we jack it straight into the brain, and let the nervous system control the new, just the same as the old.


Industry News containing the Term Artificial%20Neural%20Network:

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Researchers at NRL's Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence, within the laboratory's Information Technology Division (ITD), received two top awards at the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence...

Carbon nanotubes have a springy side. Nanotubes keep bouncing back after being compressed repeatedly. This has opened the way for their use in artificial muscles. Such muscles would be used to power robots, prosthetic limbs and artificial t...

Researchers used lubricating layers of "molecular brushes" to build artificial cartilage that outperforms natural cartilage under the highest pressures encountered within bone joints.

Currently the synthetic cartilage used ...

July 11 - 17, 2009
Pasadena, California, US

Sponsored by The International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) and The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)


An Arizona man has left hospital with a completely artificial heart beating in his chest. Father of three Charles Okeke, 43, from Phoenix is the first person to leave hospital with a Total Artificial Heart keeping him alive until he receive...