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Control Sensitivity

Control sensitivity is essentially the degree of movement necessary before a control detects a change. With one way controls such as movement sensors, this is simply a measure of how far the user has to move before the control responds.

With two way controls such as movement plus haptics, it is more vital to get the sensitivity right else slight movements may produce much more pressure than was desired.

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

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Control Sensitivity


Resources in our database matching the Term Control Sensitivity:

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Locally Hosted resource
Virtual Voice: Using BMI to Control an Artificial Larynx
A larynx or voicebox is a complex piece of kit to control. Creating an interface for a fully functional artificial one may be beyond us - unless we jack it straight into the brain, and let the nervous system control the new, just the same as the old.

Locally Hosted resource
Large Image Display: The Stepford Wives: Remote Controlled Human
Here we have a remote control, used to control what was originally a human, now just a glorified appliance. If the idea of a remote being used to control a human seems preposterous, remember GVS.

Locally Hosted resource
Eye-tracking as Virtual Environment Interaction for Disabilities
Gaze tracking comes to the desktop, as an interface modality designed exclusively to control virtual environments by gaze control, and aimed at those who lack fine motor control for a mouse. Packaged in the unfortunately named "Snap Clutch" driver.

Locally Hosted resource
Crowdsourcing Swarm Control
Rice University's Multi-Robot Systems Laboratory has created an online game designed solely to help further research into swarm control of simple robotic systems. Namely the quest to find truly effective control strategies for their own bespoke r-one swarm robotic system.

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Management and the Managed
A short article on the delicate balance of control between player/participants and staff. Maintaining control without interference.

Locally Hosted resource
VR Interfaces: AirStrike
AirStrike is a gesture control system designed to enable control of any pc or display interface via waving your fingers in the air, and smart sensing technology to detect those gestures accurately enough to completely replace a computer mouse or 3D pointer.

Locally Hosted resource
Finding the right Gestures for an Interface
It often seems that scarcely a week goes by without word of a minor or major breakthrough in gesture control of computer systems, speech recognition, or speech synthesis systems. All seem to be vectoring in on the ability to control computers entirely hands-off.

Locally Hosted resource
Living in a Phone-Controlled Home
An augmented reality control network for the home, known as the HexaBus home automation system is entering the market. It's primary aselling point? The ability to securely control your home's power consumption over the internet, and via sensors as well as house owner input.

Locally Hosted resource
A Downside of Gesture-Control: Perceptual Power of Gestures Used by Others
A potential concern has been found in the psychological implications of gesture control interfaces. When we design such things we must be aware of a power some gestures have, to alter the perceptions and memories of those who witness them.

Linked resource
Vehicle Control with Neural Networks
An excellent, easy-to-follow look at using neural networks to control the movement of AI vehicles (or dragons, or whatever). Includes careful break down of how neural networks work, and carries a gradual learning curve upwards.


Industry News containing the Term Control Sensitivity:

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In a novel approach to memory writing, US Department of Energy-funded researchers have discovered a way to control the rotation of "magnetic tornadoes" in a way that could enable writing and reading digital information with greater sensit...

A new screen has been designed that can work with gloved hands, and it comes from Japan-based SMK. The target application will be car-navigation systems which drivers can operate while wearing gloves. The new screen is described as having a...

University of Miami (UM) Psychologist Alexandra L. Quittner leads one of the largest, most nationally representative studies of the effects of parenting on very young, deaf children who have received cochlear implants. The findings indicate...

A team of Johns Hopkins neuroscientists has worked out how some newly discovered light sensors in the eye detect light and communicate with the brain. The report appears online this week in Nature.

These light sensors are a s...

Given Imaging out of Yoqneam, Israel is releasing a new version of PillCam Colon, an endoscopic capsule designed for imaging of the large intestine. The PillCam COLON 2 has recently received European approval and was just unveiled at the Ga...