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Virtual Dictionary

Distributed Synthetic Environment

A synthetic environment is basically any environment that is wholly, or majoritively artificial in nature. This means that every element, or almost every element is fabricated, but not necessarily any less real than a natural element.

When you distribute a synthetic environment, it basically becomes a shared synthetic environment, which means that it presents present a synthetic reality to a group of people at the same time, such that all perceive to be within the same environment, and can usually effect it such that any change they make is replicated to all parties within the same environment.

In order to do this, the environment is distributed across several host servers.

This in effect creates a much larger, more vibrant and detailed environment for it is not limited to the capabilities of any one computer. However, as any change is only made to one computer's section and must be replicated throughout the rest, it causes significant communication overhead.

Another term for distributed synthetic environment is Networked Synthetic Environment.

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

Related Dictionary Entries for Distributed Synthetic Environment:

Distributed Synthetic Environment

Networked Synthetic Environment

Synchronous Synthetic Environment

Synthetic Environment


Resources in our database matching the Term Distributed Synthetic Environment:

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Locally Hosted resource
Book Quotes: Net Coma
When a person becomes truly totally immersed in any VR environment, their physical body almost ceases to be a part of them. The more senses are subsumed by the synthetic reality, the less connection the brain feels to the original body.

If you are a gamer, a game developer, a virtual environment provider, a software security professional, or an interested bystander, this book exposes the inner workings of online-game and world security for all to see.

Locally Hosted resource
Dark City: A Dystopian Synthetic World
Plotline Review of the film Dark City, a dystopian synthetic reality storyline which questions deeply the nature of self, and of reality.

Bruce Bethke sold the original ?Cyberpunk? story in 1982, where it was buried by the publisher. Cobbled together into a novel in 1989, it was again purchased, and again never made print. As part of our homage to VR in Print, we offer the full novel, distributed as a 1.1mb PDF file.

With the current surge in uses of the iphone as a distributed computing device, and several industries, most notably medical healthcare taking it up in increasing numbers, there has not been a better time to learn to code this small, sleek device.

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Synthetic Brain to Aid Research
In what is certainly initially seems like a novel twist on logic, researchers from UC Irvine are utilising a robot outfitted with an artificial mind, to help them understand how the human brain works.

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Does Function Have to Follow Form in Prosthetics?
Why do prosthetic body parts have to limit themselves to copying the original organic components? When a large part of a person's body is synthetic, shouldn't they be free to express it, however they choose?

Locally Hosted resource
Augmenting Medical Records: OpenMRS
OpenMRS, or The Open Medical Record System, is a free, open-source attempt at creating a distributed electronic patient records system. It is web based, written in Java, and is under active development.

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Stretchable Tactile Sensors
Wouldn't it be marvellous if artificial pressure sensors could bend and flex like their organic counterparts? If synthetic skin could knead and twist like normal skin, but remain just as keen of sense? We are not there yet, but the first prototypes that can behave naturally under strain, are already here.

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Resource List: Fiction-Inspired Building Methods
There are countless examples in books, film, and single-player gaming of fictional virtual environments, created for reasons ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous. Many of these are humourless jokes of worlds, but many others, may actually have something to teach us, when it comes to creating real synthetic worlds.


Industry News containing the Term Distributed Synthetic Environment:

Results by page

A short story by author Vernor Vinge, covering the activities of a young boy, cought up in the middle of things in the world of 2020, and showcasing some of the synthetic, and augmented reality interfaces and technologies very likely to be ...

Passing the Turing test--the holy grail of AI (a human conversing with a computer can't tell it's not human)--may now be possible in a limited way with the world's fastest supercomputer (IBM's Blue Gene) and mimicking the behavior of a ...

33 MetaVR VRSG licenses were recently purchased to support the Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) Virtual Trainer Dome simulator at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada.

The portable JTAC Virtual Trainer Dome is also covered ...

Researchers are suggesting a universal synthetic intelligence IQ test different from human intelligence IQ Testing, as expecting beings without human senses, human environment, and human cognitive capabilites to measure up to a human IQ tes...

A team of UC Irvine scientists has been awarded a $4 million grant from the U.S. Army Research Office to study the neuroscientific and signal-processing foundations of "synthetic telepathy."

This Brain-Machine Interface dr...