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Haptic Immersive Interface

A haptic immersive interface is an interface of any type which completely eclipses the user?s own senses of pressure and texture recognition, together with heat and cold. It would have to be full-body based, or brainstem based, and would place the user?s sense of touch entirely within a virtual body in an otherwise virtual environment.

See also: Immersive Interface

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

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Haptic Immersive Interface

Immersive interface


Resources in our database matching the Term Haptic Immersive Interface:

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Houseplants as Interface Devices
Disney Research has come up with a truly novel type of interface device – a way to turn any house plant into a programmable haptic controller, by taking advantage of the capacitive capability of plants.

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You Tube of the first haptic, bionic arm versus a non-haptic
A comparison. Two women, both with prosthetic limbs. On the left, a standard prosthetic. On the right, a haptic prosthetic giving touch feedback. Who can complete the task faster, and is there much difference?

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Book Quotes: Assessing Haptic Threshold
An interesting little quote from Mona Lisa Overdrive which provides brain fodder to chew on for the future of haptic (touch) interfaces.

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VR Interfaces: Sega VR
A look at the Sega VR, a head mounted display and fully immersive interface of the early 1990s, that somehow never quite managed to make it off the ground.

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Haptics via Ultrasound
All manner of approaches are being fielded these days to try and create a workable haptic interface, that allows the true feeling of touch to an object that is only virtually there. One of the more esoteric, is the use of sound to shape the pressure fields in the air. Specifically, the use of ultrasound.

One of the severe problems with haptic input devices (other than the very, very basic type that jack directly into the nervous system) is that the mechanics of hand-held systems only bend or push so far, then they hit engineered limits and the feeling dissipates.

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Packbot to gain Haptic Feedback
In October 2009, iRobot announced that they would be receiving additional funding from the US Robotics Technology Consortium. They plan to use much of this money to add full haptic feedback technology to their heavy-duty robots.

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Virtual-Reality Program Recreates Traumatic Memory
An innovative project at Tripler Army Medical Centre utilises an immersive virtual reality interface to take patients back to the war zones they experienced, to treat their battlefield stress.


Industry News containing the Term Haptic Immersive Interface:

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A team of European researchers has "virtually" teleported real objects through cyberspace, touched things in virtual reality and even felt the movements of a virtual dance partner.

It sounds like science fiction, but advanc...

The ?Haptic Creature? is a robotic pet, designed to communicate only haptically. In other words, it only communicates by touch.

The hope of creator Steve Yohanan at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, is ...

LOS ANGELES ? NTT Cyber Solutions Laboratories will demonstrate a new approach to perception technology at the Siggraph 2004 Conference and Expo this week that untethers the virtual-reality experience from gloves and wires.


In one of the strangest attempts at augmented reality, researchers at the University of Tokyo in Japan have invented a head mounted haptic sensor.

It uses a series of infra-red sensors positioned around the device at interval...

Montr?al, Canada
May 28 to May 30, 2007
Marriott Ch?teau Champlain Montr?al hotel.

GI 2007 will be the 33rd Graphics Interface conference; it is the oldest continuously-scheduled conference in the field. GI cons...