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Neurofeedback or NFB, sometimes known as Neural Feedback or Neurobiofeedback, is a process of direct modification to the thought patterns or brain waves of an individual's brain. Any method of direct brain interface may be involved, whether EEG, one of the ECoG varieties or even a deep brain implant.

The specifics of the interface do not matter, except in that neurofeedback a direct input connection to the brain is mandated. The focus is thus exclusively on the central nervous system itself.

A stimulus is then prese3nted to the person, which requires direct modification of some aspect of their brain's function in order to complete. In the case of an EEG or ECoG, it may be a shifting from Alpha brainwaves to Theta, or a modulation of Alpha brainwaves. In the case of a deep brain implant it is usually a particular thought pattern that is desired.

As the thoughts of the individual shift closer to the desired result, so progress on the exercise visually improves. If the brain activity backtracks, progress immediately visibly decreases.

Other than its obvious use as an associative training tool, neurofeedback is also used in some full immersion systems, in order to monitor direct brain activity results from certain embodiment scenarios. For example, placing the individual's self frustum in a body of the opposite sex, or a different ethnic group (or both), and observing in real-time how that person's cognitive processes change in reaction.

See Also: Virtual Embodiment, Embodiment, EEG, ECoG, MEG, Micro-ECoG, Neuroprosthetic, Neural Oscillation, Brain Computer Interface, Brain Machine Interface, Brainwave Baseline, Neuroenhancement

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Pioneering research conducted at Western University points to a promising avenue for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): utilising neurofeedback training to alter the plasticity of brain networks linked to the condition....

By presenting your brain activity as visual, sound or haptic feedback, neurofeedback allows you to regulate it while it is recorded. Brandmeyer used electroencephalography (EEG) to record brain activity of research participants while they l...

A new brain-imaging technique enables people to ‘watch’ their own brain activity in real time and to control or adjust function in pre-determined brain regions. The study from the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital – The Neuro, Mc...

Speech production is one of the most important components in human communication. However, the cortical mechanisms governing speech are not well understood because it is extremely challenging to measure the activity of the brain in action, ...

What if experts could dig into the brain, like archaeologists, and uncover the history of past experiences? This ability might reveal what makes each of us a unique individual, and it could enable the objective diagnosis of a wide range of ...