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Site Shop > Matrix Reloaded

The Matrix, an infamous film franchise about a massive, high fidelity virtual reality environment. A dreamworld given form, seemingly the apex of what VR is striving for.

What is the matrix, in itself? It?s a world in which the super-normal powers of the adventurer prevail, it?s a world which depicts our own in every fine detail. Where infinite object interactivity is a reality, and where the simulation exists in real time. In short, it?s a true reality, just as real as our own. In many ways it usilises technologies just in their infancy in RL, neuralprosthetics for example is just beginning to be used for VR.

The Matrix is a film, and as such, tends to go off on its own, into an artistic reality that tends not to stick with plausible possibility. This one is no exception, as it completely ignores the degradation you would get in copying a reality - halftoning as it is sometimes called. But then, maybe with direct neural connections and advanced algorithms to present information, that degradation is no longer an issue? Certainly possible.

All the same, this film excells at advertising some of the greatest possibilities for virtual reality, albeit not as a future 'prison' for all of mankind - we hope.

The plot:

This is the second part of the story, continuing on from where things left off at the end of "The Matrix", and as is usual for a sequel, the plot begins to fall apart here in large chunks. In this film, as so often happens in trilogies, after inflicting a massive blow against the machines, the human forces come under direct assault themselves (Star Wars trilogy plotline anyone), as the human forces more to defend Zion from the onslaught of the machines.


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