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 Healthcare: The Road To Robotic Helpers

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Date posted: 01/09/2009

Robots are whirring away in factories all over the world, building cars, phones and cookers. Yet they can do so much more. Robotics for healthcare has been tipped as the next big wave, and Europe should be poised to ride it, according to a European road-mapping study.

Bill Gates, the PC pioneer, says robots are the future. The robotics industry is developing in much the same way that the computer business did 30 years ago, he once opined in Scientific American.

One area particularly ripe for robotics is healthcare, according to Arjan Rensma of the Dutch innovation agency TNO, which he says could be worth anywhere from ?40 billion upwards depending on which study you read.

And the reason for all this excitement? It?s simple economics: robot helpers promise sustainable and affordable health provision without compromising on the quality of care. The attraction for authorities trying to plan for increasingly ageing societies is palpable.

?Existing technologies like the surgical robot called Da Vinci show that it can be done,? says Rensma. But Europe needs a clear road map to transform the current R&D effort ? described by experts as still in its infancy ? into a leading robotics for healthcare (R4H) movement, he suggests.

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