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Virtual Dictionary

Depth of Field

The distance from a virtual object to the user's point of view is used when determining where a user is focussing. This is known as depth of field. Objects near to the user are deliberately taken out of focus, and objects in the next depth of field made sharper in many more modern immersive VR displays, to combat simulator sickness.

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

Related Dictionary Entries for Depth of Field:

Depth Blur

Depth Map

Depth of Field

Depth Pass

Focus Blur

Lens Blur



Resources in our database matching the Term Depth of Field:

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Locally Hosted resource
An Introduction to: Genetically Personalised Medicine
Genetically personalised medicine - the naescent field of pharmacogenetics - is starting to make its impact felt. This field is part of the hospital in the home phenomenon so vital to long-term immersion use, for the physical shell.

Resource Type not Available

Linked resource
I 0Wn Y0u, d0Od! Part Deux
A detailed, in-depth look at why selling content from within MMOs, to others can damage the business on the company in question, by looking at the effect it has on the costs of the MMO.

Locally Hosted resource
An introductory-level overview of the field of prosthetic limb replacement, and the level of development it is reaching.

Linked resource
Unicorns: The Unicorn's Meadow
A great little site, going into depth abut the unicorn. Well worth a look.

Locally Hosted resource
An interoductionary overview of the field of teledildonics, or remote-operated sex, covering everything from theory, to current applications, to future possibilities, and ideas for developers.

Locally Hosted resource
Neurons as Artificial Control Circuits
A look at a different type of Brain Machine Interface: The emerging field of animats, or robots controlled by neural tissue that grows and multiplies between electrode arrays.

Linked resource
Role-Play vs. Multi-play
An argument that playing multiple characters or alts on a roleplaying world, decreases the ability to roleplay in any depth. Well reasoned.

Locally Hosted resource
Military Strategies Based On Ants' Movements
Sometimes viable battlespace tactics come out of left field. In this case, a system that in all likelihood will end up as a military asset, started life in several commercial videogames.


Industry News containing the Term Depth of Field:

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Clouds are not normally a boon for image-processing algorithms because their shadows can distort objects in a scene, making them difficult for software to recognise.

However, Nathan Jacobs and colleagues at Washington Univers...

In modern telecommunications, light carries digital information over kilometers within seconds. Adapted optical materials con-trol the light signals. In the AFM journal, researchers from Ber-lin, Louvain, and from Karlsruhe Institute of Tec...

Google plans to create a 3D oceanographic map, now called Google Ocean.

People will be able to see the underwater topography, called bathymetry; search for particular spots or attractions; and navigate through the digital env...

Researchers at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) have developed a way for photographers and microscopists to create a 3D image through a single lens, without moving the camera.

Published in the jou...

An new breakthrough in liquid crystal displays offers screen brightness and colour depth over one hundred and twelve times that currently available, eliminating the need for multiple ranges of brighness on a display....