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General Packet Radio Service

General Packet Radio Service or GPRS is a data service concept for mobile computing devices - phones, PDAs, and wearable systems. GPRS data transfer is typically charged per megabyte of transferred data as opposed to per minute connected, making it ideal for data burst systems that don?t need to transmit large volumes all the time, but do need to maintain a steady connection.

GPRS is packet-based, which means many people can timeshare on the same line, sending packets at discrete intervals. This makes it perfect for data tagging applications such as healthcare.

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General Packet Radio Service



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RFID: Beginnings of the sensor web?
RFID ? Radio Frequency Identification. These small tags are starting to drift everywhere. Powered by the radio field the reader sends out when it scans for a tag, these tiny, primitive devices may actually be heralds of the sensor web.

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Western Australia launches e-medicine centre
Industry News

In August 2005, the Western Australian service launched the first tele-medicine service in the world.

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A Fourth Economy
In less than 20 years, the service economy is being replaced with a new model, the 'Experience Economy', a model in which, whilst there is still a place for services, they are not the main act of the economy. Instead, what is is the provision of experiences, memes, sensory indulgances, and a deeply personal and individual type of service.

Artificial General Intelligence or AGI is the holy grail of AI research. Instead of expert systems, and image recognition, it refers to common-sense know-how ? general intelligence most humans have when in unfamiliar situations. In other words, the ability of an AI to think and reason as a sentient being, even when confronted by unfamiliar data.

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Large Image Display: AWGate 5.0: Music Appreciation
ActiveWorlds Gate 5.0 launched on November the 26th 2009, in readiness for the launch of ActiveWorlds 5.0 on December the 1st 2009. Here we see one of the rooms off of the main concourse, where the company nods politely to all the independent radio firms that operate within it's platform. Eight platforms are available. To hear the music, just stand in the column-shaped invisible zone on top of each disk, and the music will start streaming, assuming the radio station lives long enough of course. This location brings home another problem the platform is trying to hide - the steady decline of users.

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Towards General Purpose Vision
The five-year tale of Bob Mottram's quest to create a general purpose machine vision with two eyes, able to see the world how humans do.

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Improving the Internet for Real-Time Applications
Norweigian researchers are attempting once again to tackle the serious shortcoming the net has when it comes to gaming and VR applications. The way it was designed to get a packet to its destination no matter what, and was not designed for real-time applications.

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Advanced Speech Encoding
Advanced Speech Encoding, or ASE is designed to reduce the number of bits required to transmit voice signals over a data stream down to the minimum possible. For virtual environments, this would be ideal, as voice traffic takes up huge amounts of packet space, radically reducing the rest of the data flow.

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A True Artificial Cochlea
Constructed by engineers at MIT, a single low power radio receiver chip has been painstakingly modelled on the function and deciphering capabilities of the human ear.


Industry News containing the Term General Packet Radio Service:

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To ensure that we can all watch YouTube without interruption, major Internet service providers must manage two very different switching technologies. Wide area "IP" networks made up of packet switches are interconnected over long distance...

A novel wireless-network protocol developed for the U.S. military breaks with tradition by sending not the data itself but rather a description of the data. In simulations, a network using the protocol was five times more efficient than a t...

The US Federal Communications Commission has allotted some new radio frequency spectrum specifically for medical devices, reflecting the continued rise of this trend.

This new service incorporates the existing Medical Implant...

German audio equipment maker Blaupunkt and Australia's miRoamer have teamed up to produce the first Internet car radio, giving drivers access to tens of thousands of Web radio stations.

George Parthimos, chief executive of m...

Games, cameras and music players have all been added to our handsets in the last few years, but 2005 could see another big innovation that won't just see a change in our mobile phone habits - it might alter the way we listen to the radio.<...