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Virtual Dictionary


Geospatial refers to information gathering in a geographical context. Specifially, the use of GIS systems to collect real-time data about a physical location which can then be layered and analysed to understand complex situations and trends.

Mirror worlds such as Google Earth, are examples of Geospatial systems.

See Also: Mirror World, Geographic Information Systems, Geospatial Analysis

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

Related Dictionary Entries for Geospatial:

Geographic Information Systems

Geographic Visualization


Geospatial Amalysis





Resources in our database matching the Term Geospatial:

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Industry News containing the Term Geospatial:

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(Press Release) Sponsorships by the National Center for Simulation and the UCF Institute for Simulation and Training Highlight the Use of Geospatially-Enabled Simulators to Increase Homeland Security and Emergency Response Training and Prep...

Google plans to create a 3D oceanographic map, now called Google Ocean.

People will be able to see the underwater topography, called bathymetry; search for particular spots or attractions; and navigate through the digital env...

Culminating more than four years of processing data, NASA and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency have completed Earth's most extensive global topographic map.

"This is among the most significant science missions th...

Everyone who uses the web is familiar with the finicky nature of web pages. They are fine whilst you stay online, but once you come offline, and try to go back to them, you cannot.

Now, Google has launched a tool called Gear...

October 31 - November 2, 2006
Baltimore, Maryland, USA

IEEE VAST 2006 is the first international symposium dedicated to the advances in visual analytics science and technology. The scope of the symposium, co-located wi...