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Virtual Dictionary

Location Based Service

A location based service or LBS, is an augmented reality style throwback to the pre-computing days. It is a service which is only accessible from a particular geographic location or set of locations, yet uses a mobile computing device.

Typically they use GPS enabled devices to determine the user's proximity to that specific location, with the service itself pinging the satellites when a request is made, to see if the device is in the proper physical location. If it is not, no service is offered. However, if it is, the augmented reality overlay is triggered and location-specific data is displayed over the top of the user's senses if their hardware allows for it, or simply displayed on the device if such hardware is unavailable.

What this content actually is, varies dramatically. It could be adverts, with the physical space being used as the location for interactive or otherwise multimedia advertising. It could be specific services only available at that locations such as for example, an augmented-reality enhanced tour of a specific property for sale as the person wanders round that property. It could be part of an AR game, with different physical locations triggering different events.

The possibilities are endless, but the one attribute they all share in common, is that once your computing devices leave the specific physical area, the service becomes inaccessible once more. This creates the possibility of services which the user may well remain completely oblivious to unless they are located in the correct physical space.

See Also: AR Game, Augmented Reality, LBS, Geographic Information Services

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

Related Dictionary Entries for Location Based Service:

Context Aware Service


Location Based Service

Location Based Services


Resources in our database matching the Term Location Based Service:

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Locally Hosted resource
Location Location
A short resource that discusses the origins of settlements and other features that a builder should consider when creating a new urban area.

Locally Hosted resource
Western Australia launches e-medicine centre
Industry News

In August 2005, the Western Australian service launched the first tele-medicine service in the world.

Locally Hosted resource
A Fourth Economy
In less than 20 years, the service economy is being replaced with a new model, the 'Experience Economy', a model in which, whilst there is still a place for services, they are not the main act of the economy. Instead, what is is the provision of experiences, memes, sensory indulgances, and a deeply personal and individual type of service.

Linked resource
Alternate reality games blur reality and fiction
A mainstream media piece on the growing explosion of augmented reality gaming - combining physical and virtual data as one, in order to play location-based games.

World Review: 3DEE
World Review: 3DEE welcome screen
3DEE is a social worlds system based on the ActiveWorlds codebase. Like all systems based on this code, it looks and feels a bit dated, although this one has its own unique wrinkles to help take care of that. Based in Amsterdam, 3DEE?s primary language is Dutch, and the universe?s eight entrance worlds are loosely based around that theme.
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Linked resource
Games without frontiers?
A BBC column by Bill Thompson on how companies, far more than governments, are attempting to wall off the internet by physical location, and the methods being employed to fight back.

Complete Website: mmogchart.com
A small web service, dedicated to mapping the statisics on practically every MMO out there: Subscribers, active subscribers, market share, and a whole lot more. Comparisons available in xls format.

Linked resource
Civanon is a humourous twist to the issue of addiction to gaming and social VR. It is an alcoholic?s anonymous style tongue-in-cheek civilisation player?s self-help service.


Industry News containing the Term Location Based Service:

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Twitter is adding location to its globally popular microblogging service in a move that will let people see where "tweets" are coming from.

"We're gearing up to launch a new feature which makes Twitter truly location-awar...

T-Mobile may well be the first mobile phone company, to launch a service which switches seamlessly mid-call between mobile phone masts and Wi-Fi connectivity as the signal attenuation raises and lowers for each service.


Tens of thousands of O2 customers have lost voice and data services across the UK due to a problem with the network. The mobile firm said that it had begun experiencing issues "at lunchtime" on Wednesday. GiffGaff and Tesco Mobile subscri...

On Wednesday, Google announced that it would open its servers to geographic data belonging to anyone. This means that developers will be able to quickly build a location-based Web service without having to also manage their own data server....

European researchers have created a new software abstraction called Autonomic Communication Elements (ACEs) which will enable ecosystems for service networks, and make the future ?internet of things? a reality, now.

?[The pro...