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Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Magnetic resonance imaging or MRI is a type of medical imaging technology used to create 2D slide images of the human body, cut in cross section from any angle. The images are produced by the use of magnetic fields to align susceptible atoms in the body. This alignment is then manipulated to cause a pulsing effect that can be read by a magnetic sensor. Different body tissues pulsate at different frequencies, due to their atomic composition, creating the images.

Alternate terms for MRI include NMRI, and MRT.

See Also: fMRI, NMRI, MRT

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

Related Dictionary Entries for Magnetic Resonance Imaging:



Diffraction-Enhanced Imaging

Diffusion MRI


Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Magnetic Resonance Tomography




Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging


Resources in our database matching the Term Magnetic Resonance Imaging:

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Locally Hosted resource
Brain Reading: Diffusion Spectrum Imaging
Diffusion spectrum imaging is a new technique at time of writing, which allows magnetic resonance brain imaging, at a much higher level of fidelity than fMRI permits.

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Brain Reading: fMRI
fMRI or functional magnetic resonance imaging, is one of the newest brain imaging technologies for the first decade of the 21st century. It is a basic form of Brain-Computer Interaction.

Locally Hosted resource
Magnetic Resonance Sensor in a Sugar Cube of Space
The debut of a new type of magnetic resonance sensor for brainwaves and electrical activity - which changes the game totally for both fMRI and MEG. For the first time ever, portable, low-cost versions of both are actually a possibility.

Locally Hosted resource
Doubts raised over fMRI Validity
Doubts have been raised, over the accuracy of many fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) studies, used to decode the information in the brain.

Locally Hosted resource
Specialized Brain Cells Predict Intentions as Well as Define Actions
Industry News

Industry news, originally posted 23-02-2005. A study by UCLA neuroscientists featuring functional magnetic resonance imaging has for the first time found evidence that mirror neurons help people understand the intentions of others.

Locally Hosted resource
Crossing the Blood-Brain Barrier for Improved Visualisation
When it comes to using chemical or radioactive markers to make parts of the brain easier to see, and more finely detailed with a magnetic resonance scan, your options have been rather limited.

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Ultrasensitive Imaging: Hunting Every Photon
As the demands for precise imaging in fields such as medicine, astronomy, and real-time machine vision in hostile environments continue to increase, so the demands placed on imaging equipment become ever more stringent. An imaging method based on Single Photon Avalanche Photodiodes (SPAD) offers the potential to ease this bottleneck greatly.

Linked resource
The Brain Unveiled
Technology Review's long, and in depth look at the rise of diffusion spectrum imaging, and how this new neural interface imaging technique is rapidly accelerating the study of both human and animal brains to an extent unparalleled by any previous imaging technique, even fMRI.

Locally Hosted resource
Using VR and Phased Imaging to Track Alzheimers Disease Progression in New Ways
In mid 2012, Swiss researchers turned the world of alzheimers plaque imaging on its head: by combining a phased imaging source and an integral VR model generator, for the first time ever we can now track the formation of Alzheimers plaques in real-time in living patients.

Locally Hosted resource
Extra Sensory Perceptions: Sensing Magnetic Fields
The first known, successful implant of an extra sensory perception to detect magnetic fields the person with the new sense was near, occurred in 2005, when a small piece of neodymium, which is a rare earth metal, that forms a permanent magnet, was coated in a thin layer of silicon, and implanted into an emergency medical technician's finger.


Industry News containing the Term Magnetic Resonance Imaging:

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Researchers at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, in Philadelphia, have developed software that integrates data from multiple imaging technologies to create an interactive 3-D map of the brain.

In doing so, it could serve ...

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) on the nanoscale and the ever-elusive quantum computer are among the advancements edging closer toward the realm of possibility, and a new study co-authored by a UC Santa Barbara researcher may give both an ...

A team from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Northwestern University has devised a novel nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique that delivers a roughly 10­nanometer spatial resolution. This represents a signifi...

New functional and imaging-based diagnostic tests that measure communication and signaling between different brain regions may provide valuable information about consciousness in patients unable to communicate.

The new tests,...

One of the major problems with magnetic resonance imaging machines is the huge magnetic fields required to make them work and the giant superconducting magnets that generate them. These magnets usually have a field strength of around 1.5 Te...