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Virtual Dictionary

Particle Swarm

Particle swarms are found in virtual environments. An individual particle swarm is composed of a large number of independent, intelligently-behaving particles, each of which possesses certain properties, such as if one moves, the ones near it are pulled in a certain way, or twisted or turned around, etcetera.

They are the closest we have come to a true liquid state in our environments, with each particle affecting those around it, but moving independently from one another.

Highly computationally expensive, they create environmental effects such as liquids, visible gasses and plasma effects such as fire, with uncanny accuracy. They are also often used in medical simulations as their nature allows them to simulate squidgy materials with a high fluid content – soft tissue that behaves exactly as it should when a surgeon plays around with it either with tools or their fingers directly.

See Also: Particle Swarm Optimisation, Distributed Intelligence System

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

Related Dictionary Entries for Particle Swarm:

Ant Colony Optimisation Algorithms

Distributed Intelligence System


Foglet Swarm

Optical Tomography

Particle Swarm

Particle Swarm Optimisation


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Resources in our database matching the Term Particle Swarm:

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Locally Hosted resource
Droplet Robots: A Physical Particle Swarm
In virtual spaces, a particle swarm is a large number of independent, intelligently-behaving particles, each of which possesses certain properties, such as if one moves, the ones near it are pulled in a certain way, or twisted or turned around, etcetera. However they've always been limited solely to virtual spaces with no physical equivalent. That is the case no-longer.

Locally Hosted resource
Crowdsourcing Swarm Control
Rice University's Multi-Robot Systems Laboratory has created an online game designed solely to help further research into swarm control of simple robotic systems. Namely the quest to find truly effective control strategies for their own bespoke r-one swarm robotic system.

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Locally Hosted resource
Robot Fish Leads Organic Fish
Alife research carried out using a robotic fish and a swarm of biological fish in a water tunnel, has concluded that biomimetic movement is key to social interaction with animals of all types; not just humans. If it swims like a leader of the shoal, it is the leader of the shoal.


Industry News containing the Term Particle Swarm:

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In a pair of small laboratories in Prague, a swarm of tens of millions of robots is being prepared, to be set loose en masse.

It is only fitting that here, in the town where the word robot was coined by author Karel Capek, th...

Australian scientists are using the collective intelligence found in insect swarms to develop the next generation of hi-tech military hardware.

Alex Ryan, a mathematician with the government's Defence Science and Technology ...

The US military has launched 103 miniature swarming drones from a fighter jet during a test in California.

Three F/A-18 Super Hornets were used to release the Perdix drones last October.

The drones, which have ...

In the classic fairy tale, "The Emperor's New Clothes," Hans Christian Andersen uses the eyes of a child to challenge conventional wisdom and help others to see more clearly. In similar fashion, researchers at the University of Illinois ...

A new high-speed integrated circuit to reliably transmit data in the demanding environment of the world's largest physics experiment is the fastest of its kind.

This new "link-on-chip" ? or LOC serializer circuit ? was des...