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Thin Data Stream

Thin data stream refers to the type of data sent by real-time applications such as games, and minimally sensory virtual environments. Most of the data they require, is already on the user's computer or on a centralised world server, so the data that is sent, is sent in small packets, often spaced far apart – but absolutely time-critical when they are sent.

This type of network connectivity is practically the opposite of what the internet was originally designed for, and can run into a lot of problems when ensuring speedy transmission, without which the sense of a collaborative simulation simply falls apart, with each user believing the others are in very different states from the actuality.

See Also: Latency

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Thin Data Stream


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Locally Hosted resource
Using Thin Clients for Medical Data
A thin client is any computer system basically, that uses an application for whom all processing occurs on a central server, with just the results shipped back to the client for display. This paradigm is ideal for medical data, so why is it only now being considered?

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Advanced Speech Encoding
Advanced Speech Encoding, or ASE is designed to reduce the number of bits required to transmit voice signals over a data stream down to the minimum possible. For virtual environments, this would be ideal, as voice traffic takes up huge amounts of packet space, radically reducing the rest of the data flow.

Locally Hosted resource
AR Development > ARToolKit
ARToolkit (literally Augmented Reality Toolkit) is a library of visual interpretation functions, designed for use with C. It is capable of deciphering a video stream with machine vision, rendering 3D objects, adding them to the scene and outputting the new stream, all in real-time.

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Lip Reading and Visemes
We are just on the cusp of an age of visemes in virtual environments. Lip-synching technologies have advanced to the point where, given an input text stream, and knowing the language of said stream - how to pronounce the phonemes - a computer program can animate a virtual face with a compatible muscle structure, at the same time as it is converting text to speech.

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Large Image Display: Animatrix: Beyond: A No-Physics Zone
The Matrix distorts when a freak corruption of data creates a no-physics zone in a thin layer paralleling the floor. An advanced replication of gravity warping accidents that happen in ActiveWorlds and Second Life, today.

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Nanotube Integrated Circuits a Reality
In February 2011, the first true breakthrough in microscopic, flexible substrate transistors was achieved. Professor Esko I. Kauppinen from Aalto University developed a fast and simple method of producing high-performance thin-film transistors on an ultra-thin plastic substrate.

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AR Development > NyARToolKit
NyARToolKit is a complete port of ARToolkit that was written exclusively in Java. This makes it slower in execution than the original, but completely architecture independent. Like the original, NyARToolKit is a library of functions visual interpretation and integration of VR data into physical environments, including real-time camera vision functionality, 3D rendering of virtual objects, and integrating both into the output stream.

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Wireless Data Swifter than Wired Data
One of the real issues with wireless data transfer is the slow speed at which it transfers data. Near-future high-sensory-bandwidth systems such as virtual reality and simulated stimulation are even at this stage, pushing the limits of bluetooth or Wi-Fi. Anxious to download his wedding videos more quickly, a German researcher has created a 1GB/sec system, with the potential for wireless 10GB/sec.

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When even industry insiders think of virtual reality systems, and of the data visualisation sector in particular, it's the larger, multi-user data worlds with relatively exotic hardware that tend to leap straight into mind, as opposed to the single user software suites that process and display data in 2D or 3D form.

Linked resource
Google Deepmind: Should patients trust the company with their data?
A BBC article looking at the pros and cons of Google's DeepMind AI system for sifting through patient's medical data looking for missed connections between symptoms. It consideres the difficulties inherent in letting a private company comb through that most sensitive data, raising legal and privacy concerns along the way.


Industry News containing the Term Thin Data Stream :

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We may well be looking at an end to the days of heavy batteries. A new means of drawing power from superconductors has been engineered by post-doctoral researcher Jiyoung Oh and research scientist Mikhail ?Mike? Kozlov at UT Dallas? NanoTec...

DARPA is working on a system it calls Advanced Speech Encoding, or ASE, which is designed to reduce the number of bits required to transmit voice signals over a data stream. The immediate effect this technology could have is obvious ? it fr...

A new study finds a surprising similarity in the way neural circuits linked to vision process information in both sighted individuals and those who have been blind since birth. The research, published by Cell Press in the August 13th issue ...

Uber is launching a website outlining how its cars move around cities, in an effort to appease city authorities who have long called for more data sharing.

It will provide data on dozens of cities from next month, to all user...

The Internet as we know it today has been optimised to transmit large amounts of data or "greedy streams" -- the type of transmission involved in downloading large files or watching online TV.

"Up to now, Internet research...