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Wearable Display

Wearable display is basically another term for video eyewear, or heads up display system (HUD). It is a pair of glasses, or drop down panel from a helmet system that superimposes a virtual visual stream on the outside physical world.

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

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Wearable Display


Resources in our database matching the Term Wearable Display:

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At CHI 2009 (computer Human Interaction conference,) many new modalities of interface were demonstrated. One of the more practical was the product of a team from ETH Zurich's Wearable Computing lab. Vaguely resembling the bastard child of a set of safety glasses and a HMD, the EOG goggles are an eye movement tracking system, that requires no external hardware to operate.

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Wearable Display Jackets
The concept of clothing that integrates lighting displays is one that has only recently been realised, yet it hasd been in cyberpunk a long, long time. The original 'electropigment' dating back to Snow Crash itself.

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Telehealth: Wearable Electrocardiograph Using Body Area Network
Telehealth care and ubiquitous monitoring go hand in hand. Sometimes that leads to the creation of novel technologies. More often, it involves repurposing technologies from several other fields and combining them as one. In the case of the wearable electrocardiograph developed by Japan's National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), it's a little of both.

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Large Image Display: The Stepford Wives: Blending Displays with Drapes
There are several potential ways this display is working. One of the simplest and most plausible is a colour e-paper display behind a completely transparent display medium. The e-paper handles the picture, 'refreshing' the colour display to a matt black when the layer in front, the graphical display is activated. As soon as that deactivates, the 'oil' is re-drawn. Simple, elegant, and still far beyond us.

VRD or Virtual Retinal Display is an offshoot of HMD display technology, which, instead of placing a pair of display screens in front of the eyes, actually projects an image directly onto the human retina with low-energy lasers or LCDs.

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GPS Tracker To Keep Pupils Safe
After the events at Virginia Tech University in the US, in April, a major push at using wearable technologies and sensor webs to improve student safety has been underway.

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18-Foot Wide Super-HD Multi-User Multitouch Display
On September 8th 2009, Obscura Digital installed the first display of its kind, at the Hard Rock cafe in Las Vegas, US. This display is a dynamically resizing, dynamically multi-user, multitouch display wall.

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Book Quotes: Battle of Britain Holo-display
A quote about a holo-display in a rosewood cube, casts an accurate picture of how display technology can be worked into everyday things, to make it a part of life.

The Perspecta display system was released by Actuality Systems in May 2005. Its intended purpose is as a 3D volumetric display capable of projecting a virtual object right in front of you.

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Wearable Diagnosis
Diagnosis of any illnesses, sudden injuries, or deterioration of conditions is something traditionally done in a doctor's clinic or in a hospital. Yet, with the proliferation of technologies to imbed computer components in our clothes and bodies, it is perfectly feasible to slip into your daily health check when you don something from your wardrobe at the start of the day.


Industry News containing the Term Wearable Display:

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Microvision, a wearable display manufacturer, has now secured $3,200,000 to create lightweight HUDs for individual use for the US Navy.

Only the prototype has been created so far, but it is designed to be as lightweight as p...

France Telecoms, a corporation with a lot of time on their hands, have developed the next stage in augmented reality clothing. A T-shirt, with integrated display system stitched into the weave, and bluetooth friendly.

Now, yo...

Augmented reality is sort-of the ?hybrid of natural physical reality, and virtual reality. It combines the two as one reality as far as the user is concerned.

Augmented reality wearable displays have been about for some time ...

A wearable defibrillator can prevent sudden death in people with dangerous heart arrhythmias, according to research presented at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2011.

Wearable cardioverter defibrillators...

The ESA-designed Wearable Augmented Reality (WEAR) is a wearable computer system that incorporates a head-mounted display over one eye to superimpose 3D graphics and data onto its wearer?s field of view.

Controlled by voice f...