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Mind Uploading

Mind uploading is the concept of connecting your brain to a computer system via BMI, or Brain-Computer interface, and then taking things an order of magnitude further, and uploading your mind itself, into a specially designed software construct on the computer system ? transferring your consciousness from a physical body, to an artificial substrate, and pure virtuality.

See also: Mind Downloading, Electronic Transcendence, Mind Transfer

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

Related Dictionary Entries for Mind Uploading:

Brain in a Vat


Electronic Transcendence

Emigration Simulation

Human Enhancement

Mind Download

Mind Downloading

Mind Transfer

Mind Upload

Mind Uploading

Thought Transfer


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Linked resource
How Uploading Works
Adapted from a lecture given by Marshall Brain at the 2nd Annual Workshop on Geoethical Nanotechnology, this resource looks at the concept of mind uploading - transferring a conscious mind into a computer - and tries to use common metaphors to explain the subject to the layperson.

Locally Hosted resource
Neuroprosthetics, Brain Emulation and Mind Uploading: The ultimate VR concepts
Neuroprosthetics, brain emulation and mind uploading are together perhaps the most extreme end of the trend towards virtual reality. All three are BMI, or Brain-Machine Interface. BMI is an old field, stretching back over six decades, concerned with direct-connecting the human brain to machines, in order to improve the function of both.

Locally Hosted resource
The Thirteenth Floor: Technological Promise - On-Demand Mind Uploading
This article attempts to delve into greater depth on one of the more fascinating and likely to happen aspects of the film "The Thirteenth Floor" - the ability to upload your mind into a virtual environment indefinitely.

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Star Trek: The Original Series, & VR ~ What Are Little Girls Made Of?
When the Enterprise goes in search of Dr Roger Korby's long-vanished archaeological expedition, they did not expect to encounter androids so like people. Yet, why are they like people, and not people themselves? Mind uploading and substrate chauvinism, in some of their earliest forms.

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Meme Control
A meme is basically an idea or concept that self-propagates. Like a virus, it spreads from host mind to host mind, mutating, changing, and passing from mind to mind via gossip and communication transference. In a way almost paralleling Darwinian selection the most successful ideas spread like a viral plague across populations, till almost everyone knows of them.

This book strays from the pack of works on AI, in launching the supposition that the mind is not a basically rational process distorted by emotion, or made more exciting by emotion, and instead embraces emotional states as just a different way to think, an expression of the mind no less valid than rational thought.

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Its all in your mind
Visual Psychology in game design, tricking the player's mind.

A reconciliation of two conflicting visions of what a person is--one embedded in our humanistic traditions, the other advanced by mind science--from one of the most influential philosophers of our time.

Debuted at CES 2009, mind flex is a Mattel thought controlled child's toy. Brainwaves are read to spin a fan faster or slower, to allow a ping-pong ball to navigate an obstacle course.

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Book Quotes: Dissecting an AGI on the Net
How do you even begin to tell where a mind begins or ends inside a purpose built network such as a brain? If that seems hard, try determining where a mind that is loose on the net, begins and ends.


Industry News containing the Term Mind Uploading:

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The field of artificial-intelligence research (AI), founded more than 50 years ago, seems to many researchers to have spent much of that time wandering in the wilderness, swapping hugely ambitious goals for a relatively modest set of actual...

One third of Europeans have never used the net, according to an EU report. The study, which examined the region's digital landscape over the last five years, also revealed that more than one in four Europeans had never used a PC.

Psychologists at the University of California, Santa Barbara have found evidence for the value of mind-wandering.

The researchers presented 145 undergraduate students with two “unusual uses” tasks that gave them two minutes t...

A recent deal between the British satellite telecommunications company Inmarsat and one of the biggest global aviation suppliers, Honeywell, may help give in-flight connectivity speed a boost.

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We're a long way from the futuristic, and highly desirable personal autonomous agents from books like Otherland, but there is now promise. Autonomous agents are still in the labs, but they are swiftly now, evolving into the future o...