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Real Time Radiography

Real Time Radiography or RTR, is a method of scanning physical objects – such as living human or animal bodies, or artworks, in such a way as to be non destructive to these physical objects, but at the same time capture detailed data about their structure and composition in as close to real-time as possible. It is a direct-to-digital method of capture, so the data flows straight into a DICOM or PACS compatible datafile, which can then be loaded into the medical VR package of choice.

Typically RTR is optic tomography based, with an optic transmitter and a receiver continually rotating on opposite sides of the object being scanned. Data is collected and a 3D volumetric model constructed, based on the pattern of light that makes it through the object at a given frequency, and compiled from multiple shots at different angles right around the object.

See Also: CT, CAT, NDT, Diffuse Interreflection, Voxel, Volumetric Model, Voxel-Based Morphometry, Optical Tomography, Tomographic Reconstruction, Tomographic Imaging, DICOM, PACS

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Real Time Radiography



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Real-Time Feedback System for Skiers Opens Possibilities
The vLink Computer System approach to skiing is rather novel. It's a data collection sensor set that clips to the front of a pair of skis, and in real-time, monitor in real-time forward speed and lateral displacement data of the skis as the skier proceeds down a mountain.

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Large Image Display: VTT's AR Sensor Web for Real-Time Road Ice Detection
A larger version of the system overview map from the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, demonstrating how their latest HGV-based modular real-time ice detection sensor web really functions.

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Instantaneous Visual Virtual Face
One of the major issues with any virtual form, is facial expression. Traditionally, getting a virtual face to match your physical intent for expression in real-time, was a lost cause. Even for big budget film making, CG overlays had to be constructed frame by frame by hand. Enormously time consuming, ludicrously expensive and completely useless for real-time usage.

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Improving the Internet for Real-Time Applications
Norweigian researchers are attempting once again to tackle the serious shortcoming the net has when it comes to gaming and VR applications. The way it was designed to get a packet to its destination no matter what, and was not designed for real-time applications.

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Protein Binding as a Virtual World
A new virtual environment, unveiled by researchers at the Southern Methodist University, is an interactive-real-time simulation of the human cell's 'sump pump', intended to allow researchers to interact with it in real-time, and determine how to bypass it for cancer cells.

A required reading book on real-time scene rendering that has been around for years, this book serves as a holistic, platform-independent guide for creating high frame rate renders that are as realistic as possible for the hardware available ? and teaches you where the bottlenecks are in the process so that you learn how to gauge new hardware from spec and understand how it will directly impact performance.

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An Air Quality Sensor Web Made From iPhones
Researchers at the University of California demonstrate how to turn thousands of private iPhones into a single real-time sensor web, with the help of a plug-in sensor, and an app that provides enough real immediate benefit to the iPhone users thatthey'll run it much of the time. In this case, air quality sensors, complementing (and exceeding) the capabilities of the traditional air quality weather stations.

At the time of publication, it was the best book on the subject of networking real-time, multiple user, persistent environments. Although it is still on the market today, the problem is, it is almost hopelessly dated, still insisting on a hierarchical architecture, which was perfect at the time, but just cannot cope with large worlds today.


Industry News containing the Term Real Time Radiography:

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At SIGGRAPH2009 Asia, University of Tokyo researchers are showing off their new nifty handheld display that aims to bring more natural ergonomics to digital image viewing. Using a basic sheet of plexiglass positioned above a projector, the ...

A new manufacturing process, involving liquid crystal, and nanotubes, created by researchers at Penn State University, allows for LCD displays that respond in milliseconds to display updates and light changes - far, far faster than other di...

Real DB Inc has released a large library of military vehicle 3D models for 3DS Max, and Creator model formats. "We decided to convert our complete library in Autodesk? 3ds Max? format to allow Game Developers access to our products" noted...

April 24 - April 28, 2006
Gyeongju, South Korea

This is the ninth IEEE Computer Society symposium dealing with the rapidly expanding field of object-oriented real-time distributed computing (ORC) technology. The princi...

Researchers have developed an effective real-time performance management and feedback system for alpine ski racers that allow skiers to better understand their carved turning skills and improve their performance.

A study in S...