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Virtual Dictionary

Virtual Displacement Mapping

Virtual displacement mapping is an alternate name for parallax mapping.

Parallax mapping is a system by which textures displayed on flat surfaces are give the illusion of 3D depth, extruding out into the viewpoint, and making the object they cover seem more real, shadows changing as the viewpoint moves round it.

3D displacement of surfaces is faked by means of displacing textures both by creating a height map of their protuberance from 3D space and then calculating the angle of that protuberance relative to the angle the observer is looking from.

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Virtual Displacement Mapping


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Locally Hosted resource
3-D Modeling Advance: A single photo can be reconstructed into a 3-D scene
Building on the premise of Parallax mapping, in which 3D displacement of surfaces is faked by means of displacing textures both by creating a height map of their protuberance from 3D space and then calculating the angle of that protuberance relative to the angle the observer is looking, Microsoft and Make3D have created a process allowing a single photo to become a 3D scene.

This book is an attempt to cross-reference the techniques of mapping and charting the physical world, with attempts to chart cyberspace. All of cyberspace, from individual virtual environments, through to the world wide web, as a single cohesive whole, a second world of many worlds, for others to explore, possessing the maps to do so.

Linked resource
A Closer Look At Parallax Occlusion Mapping
An in-depth Gamedev article, containing step by step coding advice for implementing parallax occlusion mapping to textures, such that the simulated heights can even self-occlude.

This tome, written long before the Metaverse Roadmap, was one of the first large works to discuss how virtual spaces create entirely new kinds of space, and require mapping constructs and methodologies utterly alien to what had come before.

Locally Hosted resource
Large Image Display: Animatrix: Beyond: The Matrix VR Map
This image is all about mapping, and more specifically how to preserve all necessary high level information in a virtual environment, in a cut down form, to allow easy oversight.

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Spatial Representation of a Virtual World
How do you perceive space and spatial relationships between objects in a virtual environment. Rather easily if you are setting out to replicate the physical world. But that is too easy, it loses so many of the true advantages of VR, where space is irrelevant, and every room can be a TARDIS. This article looks at mapping that kind of a mess, beginning with text worlds, where such spatial irrelevancy is at its highest.

Locally Hosted resource
Mapping the physical World into the Virtual
Eventually maps became digital, and all manner of computerised versions sprung up. Yet, for all the centralisation, and innovation, one thing never changed: For all their promise, computer based maps look, and function exactly the same as their printed brethren.

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Real-Time Feedback System for Skiers Opens Possibilities
The vLink Computer System approach to skiing is rather novel. It's a data collection sensor set that clips to the front of a pair of skis, and in real-time, monitor in real-time forward speed and lateral displacement data of the skis as the skier proceeds down a mountain.


Industry News containing the Term Virtual Displacement Mapping:

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The new bicycling directions available on Google Maps starting Wednesday supplement the guidance already provided to motorists and pedestrians. The biking directions initially will be available only for the United States.


Google is set to launch a property dimension to its UK mapping system.

The new service will allow both estate agents and private sellers to put their property as an overlay on Google Maps.

The plans were outlin...

Vocaloid, that's the name of a new technology, created to mimic singers voices with fine precision. Developed at the Spanish University Pompeu Fabra and under the care of Yamaha Corporation, the software, available for all by January, a...

Mapping the billions of connections in the brain is a grand challenge in neuroscience. The current method for mapping interconnected brain cells involves the use of room-size microscopes known as transmission electron microscopes (TEMs).

CardioInsight Technologies Inc., a company headquartered at University Hospitals of Cleveland, has recently closed a $6 million Series B round of funding for further development of its cardiac Electrocardiographic Mapping (ECM) technology. ...