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Partial Brain Emulation

Partial brain emulation is defined as any hardware or software based system which completely models the neurons and interconnections in a discrete part of a brain.

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Partial Brain Emulation


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Locally Hosted resource
Neuroprosthetics, Brain Emulation and Mind Uploading: The ultimate VR concepts
Neuroprosthetics, brain emulation and mind uploading are together perhaps the most extreme end of the trend towards virtual reality. All three are BMI, or Brain-Machine Interface. BMI is an old field, stretching back over six decades, concerned with direct-connecting the human brain to machines, in order to improve the function of both.

In light of the withdrawal by DARPA (American Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency) from the business of building brains in silico, we at VWN decided to catalogue just who is, and who is no-longer attempting to build a complete, or partial artificial human brain during 2007.

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Brain Search
The brain is of profound importance. It is the place that houses our sense of self, our mind. It contains all of who and what we are. As technologies advance, Brain-Machine interfaces will become more and more sophisticated, and our understanding of the brain's functions will become ever-greater. This resource is a search engine specifically geared to finding all resources on the site that deal with developments / prosthetics for different brain regions.

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Building a (Rodent) Brain
There has been a great deal of effort, in recent years towards the simulation of a fully working brain. The drive to understand the workings of the human brain has never been greater, with actual neuroprosthetic devices in existence to drive research. We are a long, long way from recreating a human brain with it's billions of neurons and trillions of connections, however that does not mean we are incapable of building a brain.

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Brain blankets for BMI
An introduction to a new type of brain-machine interface, the subskull brain blanket.

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Response to Podcast The Paradox of Choice
At the time of writing this, the article 'Podcast The Paradox of Choice' has been on the server for less than a day. It contains a TED podcast and a partial transcription of same. The podcast is essentially a twenty minute long, semi lucid, raving rant by philosopher Barry Schwartz, regarding his book, and the meaning of paradox of choice.

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A Golden Age of Brain Exploration
The Allen Brain Atlas, a project like never before: Literally a mapping of the human brain, an attempt to make connections between anatomical, genetic, and behavioral observations.

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High Dynamic Range Photography, and Use in Eye Emulation
H.D.R., or high dynamic range photography is a relatively new technique used by photographers to take high-quality full lighting range photos that are near-indistinguishable from paintings, for their ability to correctly replicate the lighting of a given scene, exactly how the human eye would see it.


Industry News containing the Term Partial Brain Emulation:

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Software that can be used to play almost any computer game in history is to be developed as part of a European attempt to preserve digital cultural heritage.

The European Union has funded a ?4.02 million (?3.6m, $5.2m) projec...

The MouseCap, a mouse-emulation tool from Argentinian designers Mart?n Belzunce and Nahuel Gonzalez, features simple aspects that other mouse replacements do not: It's easily compatible with most operating systems, does not need extra soft...

A recent study organized by Stanford University researchers found patients with refractory partial and secondarily generalized seizures had a reduction in seizures after deep brain stimulation. This multi-center clinical trial determined th...

Miniature photodiode chips are perhaps most commonly found in your mobile phone cameras; but seven people have been carrying the chips somewhere else - in their eyes.

The volunteers, who lost their sight through an eye diseas...

UCSF researchers have successfully used protease inhibitors to restore to normal levels a key protein involved in early brain development. Reduced levels of that protein have been shown to cause the rare brain disorder lissencephaly, which ...